Indian Army Day 2024: Celebrating the Courage and Sacrifice

Indian Army Day 2024: Celebrating the Courage and Sacrifice

Indian Army Day 2024: Celebrating the Courage and Sacrifice - Indian Army Day 2024


India, the second-most populated country in the world, owes its security and the safeguarding of its borders to the brave soldiers of the Indian Army. These frontline warriors sacrifice their lives and fight selflessly for the nation. To honor their extraordinary dedication and efforts, India celebrates Indian Army Day every year on January 15. This year, in 2024, the nation is commemorating the 76th Indian Army Day in Lucknow with a Special Parade, where the Indian Army Chief will take the salute. In this article, we delve into the history, significance, and celebrations of Indian Army Day 2024.

History of Indian Army Day

The Indian Army, formerly known as the Royal Indian Army, was established by the British on April 1, 1895. However, it was after India gained independence on August 15, 1947, that a significant milestone in Indian military history was achieved. On January 15, 1949, General KM Cariappa became the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army, taking over from General Sir Francis Roy Bucher, the last British Commander-in-Chief. Since then, January 15 has been celebrated as Bharat Sena Diwas or Indian Army Day every year.

Significance of Indian Army Day

Indian Army Day is not merely a day of celebration; it is a day of reflection, remembrance, and paying tribute to the soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the nation. It is a day to honor their courage, dedication, and unwavering commitment to protect the country’s borders. Indian Army Day also serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by the families of these brave soldiers. It aims to create awareness among the youth of the nation, inspiring them to join the Indian Army and serve the country selflessly. Additionally, it reinforces the bond between the military and civilians, which is crucial for the safety and security of the nation.

The Theme of Indian Army Day 2024: ‘Year of Technology Absorption’

Each year, Indian Army Day is celebrated with a specific theme that highlights the focus and efforts of the Indian Army. The theme for Indian Army Day 2024 is the ‘Year of Technology Absorption.’ This theme emphasizes the Army’s commitment to leverage technology as a catalyst for transformative change. It reflects the Army’s dedication to embracing technological advancements and using them to enhance its capabilities and effectiveness in safeguarding the nation.

Messages from Indian Army Chief and President

On the occasion of the 76th Indian Army Day, General Manoj Pande, the Chief of Army Staff, extended his greetings and paid homage to the soldiers who have laid down their lives in the service of the nation. He emphasized the changing nature of warfare and the Army’s ongoing transformation process to prepare for the future. General Pande highlighted the importance of the Army’s responsibility towards veterans, Veer Naris (war widows), and their families, urging commanders at all levels to prioritize welfare initiatives and address their grievances.

President Droupadi Murmu, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, also conveyed her warm wishes to the Indian Army. She acknowledged the pivotal role played by the Indian Army in ensuring the country’s security and praised the professionalism, leadership, and selfless devotion of the soldiers. President Murmu expressed solidarity with the families who have endured the loss of their loved ones and wished continued success to the Indian Army in all its endeavors.

Prime Minister’s Salutations to the Indian Army

Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his greetings and heartfelt appreciation to the Indian Army on the occasion of Indian Army Day 2024. He commended the soldiers for their courage, commitment, and sacrifices in protecting the nation’s sovereignty. PM Modi highlighted the Army’s role not only in dealing with external threats but also in nation-building and providing assistance during times of natural calamities. He emphasized the Indian Army’s disciplined and powerful image in the world and expressed confidence in the nation’s collective strength to reach new heights of progress.

Salutations from Chief of Defence Staff and Congress Leadership

Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Anil Chauhan, extended his greetings to all ranks of the Indian Army, veterans, and Veer Naris. He lauded the unwavering dedication, invincible attitude, and indomitable spirit of the soldiers, emphasizing their crucial role in the nation’s security.

Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge and leader Rahul Gandhi also conveyed their wishes and saluted the bravery and professionalism of the Indian Army. Kharge acknowledged the pivotal role played by the Indian Army in ensuring national security and stability, while Rahul Gandhi expressed gratitude for their incredible bravery and dedication.

Indian Army Day: A Day of National Pride

As India observes Indian Army Day, the nation stands united in admiration and respect for the Indian Army. It is a day to remember and honor the sacrifices made by the soldiers to protect the nation. Indian Army Day symbolizes the spirit of nationalism and the unwavering courage of the Indian Army, inspiring generations to come. The celebration serves as a reminder of the Army’s pivotal role in safeguarding the country’s security and the sacrifices made by its brave soldiers.


Indian Army Day is an occasion to celebrate and honor the dedication, courage, and sacrifices of the soldiers who protect our nation. The history and significance of Indian Army Day highlight the pivotal role played by the Indian Army in safeguarding the country’s security. The theme of Indian Army Day 2024, ‘Year of Technology Absorption,’ reflects the Army’s commitment to embracing technological advancements. Messages from the Indian Army Chief, President, and Prime Minister further emphasize the importance of the Indian Army’s role and express gratitude to the soldiers for their unwavering commitment. As India commemorates the 76th Indian Army Day, it stands united in pride and admiration for the Indian Army and its brave soldiers.

Additional Information:

  • Indian Army Day is celebrated on January 15 each year since 1949.
  • The Indian Army was established by the British on April 1, 1895.
  • General KM Cariappa became the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army on January 15, 1949.
  • The theme for Indian Army Day 2024 is ‘Year of Technology Absorption’.
  • Indian Army Day aims to create awareness among the youth to join the Indian Army.
  • The celebration reinforces the military-civilian bond for the safety of the country.
  • Indian Army Chief, General Manoj Pande, and President Droupadi Murmu extended their greetings and paid homage to the soldiers.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi commended the Indian Army’s courage, commitment, and sacrifices.
  • Chief of Defence Staff, General Anil Chauhan, acknowledged the soldiers’ dedication and indomitable spirit.
  • Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge and leader Rahul Gandhi saluted the bravery and professionalism of the Indian Army.

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