Tragic Incident on the Cricket Field: Mumbai Man Loses Life After Being Struck by Ball

Tragic Incident on the Cricket Field: Mumbai Man Loses Life After Being Struck by Ball

Tragic Incident on the Cricket Field: Mumbai Man Loses Life After Being Struck by Ball

After getting struck in the head by a ball from a different match in Mumbai’s Matunga, a 52-year-old businessman passed away during a cricket match.

The T20 match was place at the Matunga Gymkhana Dadkar venue as a part of a Kutchi community-organized event.

While fielding for his team, Jayesh Savla was hit in the head by a ball from a different match that was going on at the same time on the same pitch. He fell back from the impact.

In Mumbai, it’s not unusual to see multiple matches taking place on one field, and occasionally balls from one competition will damage players. This is the first instance of an incident of such nature resulting in a match-related death.

Senior Police Officer Deepak Chauhan states that an Accidental Death Report (ADR) was received.

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